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Freedom of navigation, overflight in South China Sea fully guaranteed: report

BEIJING, Sept. 27 (Xinhua) — The freedom of navigation and overflight in the South China Sea is fully guaranteed for both military and civilian vessels and aircraft, according to a research report released on Friday.
The Report on the Navigation and Overflight Situation in the South China Sea was released by the South China Sea Strategic Situation Probing Initiative (SCSPI), an international research network.
Elaborating on topics including rules and regulations for navigation in the South China Sea under international law, navigation and overflight of civilian ships and aircraft, as well as activities of warships and military aircraft, the report has been worked out as a response to the misunderstanding and fake narratives concerning navigation and overflight in the South China Sea, according to the SCSPI.
The report said freedom of the seas is a longstanding principle in international law and a significant concept in modern international law development, one that China adheres to.
It pointed out that tensions in the South China Sea have escalated in recent years, driven by the U.S. attempts to “contain China” through maritime disputes.
However, current frictions mainly exist among some disputing parties, and relevant disputes have not affected other countries’ navigation and overflight freedoms in the South China Sea, said the report.
It went on to note that the frequently sensationalized claims of “impeding freedom of navigation” and “endangering navigation safety” in the South China Sea are, in reality, made by certain disputing parties and some countries which deliberately interpret sovereignty disputes over islands and reefs in the area and maritime boundary disputes as navigation issues.
The report concluded that, overall, freedom of navigation and overflight in the South China Sea is fully guaranteed for both military and civilian vessels and aircraft.
Peace, stability, freedom, and security of the South China Sea are crucial to not only the well-being of regional countries but also the development and security of the world, it stressed, calling on relevant countries to work together to make the South China Sea a sea of peace, friendship, and cooperation. ■
